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Date 2024-02-29

NCCU possesses a rich diversity of languages and cultures in its DNA. Apart from having the largest number of language learners in Taiwan (approximately 25 languages), the university also hosts international students from many countries of the world. In order to facilitate opportunities for students majoring in foreign languages to become study buddies with international students, to support each other in daily life, and to engage in continuous language and cultural exchanges, College of Foreign Languages & Literature has established the "NCCU’s Foreign Language Study Buddy"(FLSB) community.

This community aims to match local students with international students as study buddies. In the LINE notebook, you will see preliminarily language categories. Students who are interested in finding foreign language study buddies are invited to select their language and fill in basic information (including name, department and grade, gender, citizenship) in the comment section of the notebook. The community will then match study buddies in small groups. Welcome to join this community and start your study buddy journey at NCCU. Please scan the QR Code for sign-up!

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