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柯依蓮 退休副教授
職稱 退休副教授
類別 退休教師
研究專長 俄語、俄語教學、俄國文學
  • 柯依蓮, 2010.04, 'After revolutionary fate of nobiliary manors in Russia (“Everlasting spring” by I. Bunin and "Khan’s fire" by М. Bulgakov), ' Historical and literary heritage, No.2.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2010.03, 'Directions and methods of adapting a literary text (with adaptation the story of Anton Chekhov "Enemies"), with A. Brygina, ' Problems of studying Russian language, history and culture, No.16.(俄語(文))(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
  • 柯依蓮, 2009.12, 'About Composition of “Dead souls” by N.V. Gogol, ' Problems of studying Russian language, history and culture, No.15, pp.103-116.
  • 柯依蓮, 2006.06, 'Fear as attitude in A.Chekhov''s prose, ' Vestnic of Department of Russian language and literature, No.9, pp.216-223.
  • 柯依蓮, 2004.11, 'The concept of fate in cosmology of Yu. Lermontov, ' Vestnik of Moscow State University, Vol.9, No.5, pp.104-112.(阿拉伯(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2004.06, 'Russian idea” in the post soviet literature: Yu. Bondarev’s novel “Bermudas triangle, ' Vestnic of Department of Russian language and literature, No.7, pp.213-222.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2003.06, 'About the Poetics of I.Turgenev''s novel “Spring Water”, ' Problems of studying Russian language, history and culture, No.6, pp.151-171.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2003.06, 'Fate and will in Lermontov''s creativity, ' Vestnic of Department of Russian language and literature, No.6, pp.294-312.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2002.06, 'Freedom and slavery in Russian literary tradition, ' Problems of studying Russian language, history and culture, No.5, pp.151-167.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2001.05, 'The structure of Yu. Dombrovsky’s novel “Department of Usless Things, ' Problems of studying Russian language, history and culture, No.4, pp.206-218.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2010.09, 'The historical and cultural phenomenon of Russian manor of noble family in Chechov and Bunin’s creativity, ' П Congreso International “La lengua y literatura rusas en el espacio educativo internacional: estado actual y perspectivas”, Granada University.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2007.11, 'The Judgment of Jesus in the Gospel in the Context of “Master and Margaret” by M. Bulgakov, ' International conference “Russian Literature – Traditions and Innovations”, National Chengchi University, pp.1-18.
  • 柯依蓮;張緒真, 2007.11, 'The Theme of Madness in the Work of A.P. Chekhov, ' International conference “Russian Literature – Traditions and Innovations”, National Chengchi University, pp.43-69.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2007.05, 'Evangelic episodes of the trial over Jesus within the context of novels by M. Bulgakov «Master and Margaret» and Yu. Dombrovsky «Department of Unnecessary Things», ' Congreso International “La lengua y literatura rusas en el espacio educativo internacional: estado actual y perspectivas”, Granada University, pp.tomo II pp.1353-1358.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮, 2005.12, 'Personages with "mania grandiosa" in A.Chekhov''s creativity, ' Scientific and methodical conference "Russian philology and teaching Russian as foreign language", Department of Russian language and literature, Tamkang University, pp.97-106.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮;茹靜芳, 2004.10, 'Theme “loss of roots” in V.Rasputin''s story “Fire”, ' International conference “Conceptual problems of Russian literature – classics and life”, National Chengchi University, pp.343-367.(俄語(文))
  • 柯依蓮;Makarova;Popova, 2002, 'Russian for foreign students. Scientific style of speech (medicine), ' EKON, pp.106.
  • 柯依蓮;Zorina, 2001, 'Russian for foreign students. Scientific style of speech (chemistry), ' RChTU, pp.120.
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