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林蒔慧 教授兼系主任
職稱 教授兼系主任
校內分機 63751
辦公地點 研究大樓739
類別 專任
研究專長 對比語言分析、社會語言學、捷克語文研究
  • Karel Šebesta*;Melissa Shih-hui Lin, 2025.04, 'DRÁHA, REGION a SMĚR v češtině čínských studentů (PATH, REGION and DIRECTION in Chinese students' Czech), ' Journal of Slavic Languages,.(KCI)(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
  • Siaw-Fong Chung*;Chen-Yu Chester Hsieh;Wei-Ting Yang;Shu-Ching Wang;Melissa Shih-hui Lin;August F.Y. Chao;Yu-Che Yen, 2023.12, 'The Construction of the NCCU Shell Nouns Cross-Language Parallel Corpus (NCCU-SNPC), ' Foreign Language Studies (外國語文研究), No.38, pp.1-35.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Karel Šebesta;Kawai Chui;Hsiang-Lin Yeh, 2023.07, 'Deverbální jmenné predikáty v konstrukcích se slovesem „dělat“ v češtině z mezijazykové perspektivy (Deverbal noun predicates of Czech DO-constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective), ' Časopis pro moderní filologii (Journal for Modern Philology), Vol.105, No.2, pp.188-199.(SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS)(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Karel Šebesta, 2023.05, 'Czech instrumentals as shell nouns in L2 pedagogy, ' Journal of Slavic Languages, Vol.28, No.1, pp.61-81.(KCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2023.04, 'Czech instrumentals as shell nouns in L2 pedagogy, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • Lin, M. S.-H.*;Šebesta, K., 2023.04, 'Czech instrumentals as shell nouns in L2 pedagogy, ' Journal of Slavic Languages, Vol.28, No.1, appear.(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2021.01, 'Some discussions on static and dynamic spatial expressions in Czech and Chinese, ' Studies in Applied Linguistics (Studie z aplikované lingvistiky), Vol.2020, pp.71-87.(ERIH PLUS, CEJSH, DOAJ, CEEOL)(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2019.09, 'Images of Bohemia: The translation of Czech literature in Taiwan and Mainland China, ' Compilation and Translation Review (翻譯論叢), Vol.12, No.2, pp.173-208.(THCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • Olga Nikolaevna Ales;Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2019.06, 'Language and cultural planning in Siberia: Boarding school system represented in the texts of the Siberian indigenous writers, ' Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies (台灣原住民族研究), Vol.12, No.1, pp.1-37.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2018.09, '〈想像與真實;捷克民族認同與莉布舍〉(Imagination and reality: Czech national identity and Libuse), ' 外國語文研究 (Foreign Language Studies), No.28, pp.149-160.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2017.11, 'A typological discussion of the predicates expressing possessive meaning “to Have” in Taiwan Mandarin and Czech — a learner corpus-based study, ' Studies in Applied Linguistics (Studie z aplikované lingvistiky), Vol.2017(8), No.1, pp.86-100.(CEJSH, ERIH Plus, EBSCO Host, DOAJ)(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2017.10, 'Linguistic integration policy and its impact on the construction of language identity: The Vietnamese migrant community in Czechia, ' Interface - Journal of European Languages and Literatures, Vol.Issue 3, pp.31-51.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2016.12, 'Limits of EU language education policy for migrants: a comparative study of Vietnamese migrant community in the Czech Republic and the new immigrants in Taiwan, ' Sustainable Multilingualism, Vol.9, pp.78-101.(CEEOL)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2015.08, '〈中東歐少數語言現況與語言維持〉(Language maintenance of the minority languages in the Central and Eastern Europe), ' 《台灣原住民族研究季刊》(Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies), Vol.8, No.3, pp.75-90.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2015.02, 'Linguistic choices for the identity of “China” in the discourse of Czech sinologists, ' Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, No.19, pp.153-165.(*為通訊作者)
  • 余德慧*;李維倫;林蒔慧;99頌缽團, 2012.06, '〈頌缽者療遇初探(一):頌缽之音與心靈冥視關連之探討/應用心理研究〉, ' 《應用心理研究》, No.54, pp.105-131.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 林蒔慧*;陳毅峰, 2010.07, '花蓮縣阿美族人的語言、地方與認同(Language, place and identity of Amis people in Hualien), ' 中國社會語言學(The journal of Chinese Sociolinguistics), Vol.14, No.1, pp.108-119.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2010.01, 'Sakizaya or Amis? - A hidden ethnic group in Taiwan?, ' Asian Culture and History, Vol.2, No.1, pp.116-125.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Yi-Fong Chen, 2010.01, 'Language, place and identity: The politics of place and language in the formation of indigenous identity in Hualien, Taiwan., ' Dialectologia, No.4, pp.67-81.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2008.12, '索布語的語言規劃工作-一個即將被遺忘的西斯拉夫語(Language planning work in Sorbian – one almost abandoned West Slavic language), ' 俄語學報(Journal of Russian language), No.13, pp.133-145.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2006.02, '加拿大各大學的原住民族教育單位-以加拿大原住民語言與文學發展學院CILLD為例, ' 原教界, No.13, pp.38-41.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2005.06, '從捷克境內的德語社群論語言認同問題, ' 台灣國際研究季刊, Vol.1, No.2, pp.211-228.(*為通訊作者)
  • Svatava Škodová*;Melissa Shih-hui Lin, 2024.09, 'Motion Verbs in the Second/Foreign Language Acquisition of Czech: A corpus-based study on non-native speakers of Czech with Chinese L1, ' Learner Corpus Research Conference, University of Tartu.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2024.08, 'How L1 Chinese learn the Czech language: The case of Czech instrumental, ' XI. International Symposium on Czech as a Foreign Language, Charles University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2024.07, 'Challenges in teaching and learning Czech in a Chinese context, ' The 10th International Conference on Language, Culture, and Mind: Celebrating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity, Masaryk University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Hsiang-Lin Yeh;Yi-Ling Lin;An Lu, 2024.02, 'Some about NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages (LCSL), ' International Colloquium Errare humanum est, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University; Slovak Academy Sciences;.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2023.11, 'Spatial expressions in Too Loud a Solitude of Bohumil Hrabal in Czech and Chinese, ' The 9th Slavic International Conference of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, NCCU..(*為通訊作者)
  • Kawai Chui*;Hsiang-Lin Yeh;Melissa Shih-Hui Lin, 2022.10, 'The Information Packaging of the Do-Constructions in Chinese, Russian, and Czech, ' Proceedings of the 36th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, De La Salle University, appear.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2022.09, 'Pragmatic uses of Czech Instrumentals, ' The 17th Slavic Linguistic Society Annual Meeting (SLS-17), Slavic Linguistic Society.(*為通訊作者)
  • Karel Šebesta*;Melissa Shih-hui Lin, 2022.08, 'K prefixům v češtině čínských rodilých mluvčích (論漢語母語者的捷克語動詞前綴), ' The International Conference Czech and Other Languages (ČesKo), Charles University.(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Marian Sloboda;Mira Nábělková, 2022.08, 'Language planning and language attitudes: a study of Czech university students’ position with respect to the Czech-Slovak language contact, ' The 3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics, Charles University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2022.08, 'Cíl or Cílem: Another challenge for learners of Czech, ' International Conference Czech and Other Languages (ČesKo), Charles University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2022.06, 'Literary interactions between China and Czechia: a case of “soft power”, ' The sixth World Czech Literary Studies Congress, Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Kawai Chui;Hsiang-Lin Yeh, 2021.08, 'A cross-linguistic study of DO-constructions in Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Czech, ' The 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies, International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES).(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Hsiang-Lin Yeh;Yi-Ling Lin, 2021.08, 'NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages (LCSL), ' The X. International Symposium on Czech as a Foreign Language, Institute of Czech Studies.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2021.08, 'The prominence of Aspect in Czech and Chinese – A learner corpus-based study, ' The X. International Symposium on Czech as a Foreign Language, Institute of Czech Studies.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2021.05, 'Some discussions on the specific grammatical categories of Czech and Chinese, ' The 8th Slavic International Conference of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Department of Slavic Languages and Literature.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2021.05, 'Some differences between Czech and Chinese in the Grammatical Categories: With a focus on Tense and Aspect, ' The 22th International Meeting of Young Linguists, Department of Czech Studies.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2020.11, '以學生為中心的數位教學模組開發 - 以政治大學捷克語課程為例, ' 從教學到自學 - 斯拉夫語言數位教學與成效, 政治大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2019.11, 'Czech literature and Taiwanese literature in the era of the velvet revolution, ' The 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution – From the viewpoints of literature, society and history, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, pp.38-43.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2019.10, '學習者語料庫與外語教學─從捷克語學習者語料庫談起, ' 智能技術和語言學習國際研討會論文集, Shanghai International Studies University, pp.552-557.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2019.09, 'Impact of language planning on language attitude: How do Czech university students view Czech-Slovak language contact?, ' The 14th Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-14), Slavic Linguistic Society.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Marian Sloboda;Mira Nábělková, 2019.06, 'Historical conflicts and reflections on current Czech-Slovak language contact situation: A case study of Czech university students, ' The 10th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies, University of Tokyo.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2019.04, 'Some discussions on static and dynamic expressions in Czech and Chinese – A learner corpus-based approach, ' International Symposium “One Path – Three Languages”, Charles University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2018.09, 'SOURCE-PATH-GOAL expressions in Czech and Chinese – a learner corpora-based study, ' The 13th Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-13), Slavic Linguistics Society.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2018.09, '田野紀實─關於撒奇萊雅語 (Fieldwork report- about Sakizaya), ' 噶瑪蘭族加禮宛戰役暨撒奇萊雅族達固部灣戰役140週年紀念活動學術研討會論文集, 財團法人花蓮縣帝瓦伊撒耘文化藝術基金會, pp.25-42.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2017.11, 'Some discussions on spatial concepts in typology studies of Chinese and Czech in the process of second language learning, ' The 7th Slavic International Conference of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures “Transforming Slavic Values System in Slavic Languages and Culture", Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2017.11, '捷克民族認同與莉布舍(Czech national identity and Libuse), ' 第七屆翻譯與跨文化國際學術研討會: 英雄故事(The 7th International Conference on Translation and Cross-Cultural Studies: Stories of Heroes), 政治大學外國語文學院翻譯與跨文化研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧 Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2017.09, 'The image of Bohemia: Translations of Czech literature in Taiwan, ' The 8th International Symposium on European Languages in East Asia: Acceptance, Absorption, and Transformation in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures between East Asia and Europe, NTU Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, pp.159-178.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2017.05, '歐盟語言政策:捷克語教學之新策略與趨勢(EU language policy: The development of the Czech language teaching approaches), ' 歐洲與歐盟之傳統與創新國際學術研討會(2017 International Conference on Tradition and Innovation in Europe and in the European Union), 政治大學歐洲語文學系.(*為通訊作者)
  • 葉相林*;林蒔慧, 2016.11, '華語母語者習得俄語與捷克語移動動詞之比較研究(A comparative study of learning motion verbs in Russian and Czech for the Taiwanese students), ' 亞太及東南亞國家的俄語與俄國文學研究(International Conference of Russian language and literature in Asia-Pacific and southeast Asia), 淡江大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2016.09, 'Immigrant language policy and its impact on the construction of identity in Central and Eastern European Contexts: Vietnamese Migrant Community in the Czech Republic, ' Reflections of Exile, Migration, and Diaspora in European Languages and Literatures, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, pp.26-37.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Ondrej Geppert, 2016.08, 'Výuka češtiny v čínskojazyčném prostředí (華語情境下的捷克語文教學), ' Čeština jako cizí jazyk VIII. Sborník příspěvků z VIII. Mezinárodního sympozia o češtině jako cizím jazyku (第八屆捷克語文教學國際研討會論文集), Charles University, pp.19-29.(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2016.06, 'Limits of EU language policy for migrants: Based on the study of Vietnamese migrant community in the Czech Republic to observe current refugee communities in Central and Eastern Europe, ' EUSA AP Conference, EUSA.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2015.11, '論中文的「有」與捷克文的mít, ' 第六屆斯拉夫語言文學文化國際學術研討會, 政治大學斯拉夫語文學系.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2014.09, 'Taiwanese students in Prague ─ how to they use ‘Bohemia’ in their discourse, ' 8th International Free Linguistics Conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2013.11, 'China in the discourse of Czech sinologists, ' Retrieval or Revival: Evolving Sinology / China Studies in Czech, Mongolia, Poland and Russia, National Taiwan University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2013.09, 'Language management approach in an inquiry of Sakizaya speakers in Hualien city, ' 3rd International Language Management Symposium: Special Focus on Research Methodology, Charles University.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2013.05, '從跨語言的角度檢視捷克語與撒奇萊雅語重疊構詞現象 (Reduplicaiton in Sakizaya and Czech), ' 第五屆斯拉夫語言、文學暨文化─現代世界的斯拉夫語言國際學術研討會論文集, 政治大學斯拉夫語文學系, pp.3-18.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2012.11, '從重疊構詞檢視撒奇萊雅語與南勢阿美語的異同, ' 2012年演化語言學國際研討會, 中國北京大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧;許韋晟;東華大學族語工作坊, 2011.05, '百語爭鳴‧傳頌不絕, ' 原 住民族語言發展-理論與實務研討會.
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin, 2009.07, 'Some difference between Sakizaya and Amis., ' 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES 2009), International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.
  • 林蒔慧;陳毅峰, 2009.03, '花蓮境內原住民語言分佈調查, ' 台灣的語言方言分佈與族群遷徙工作坊.
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin;Yi-Fong Chen, 2008.12, 'Language, place and identity: The politics of place and language in the formation of indigenous identity in Hualien, Taiwan., ' 31st International Geographical Congress (IGC), International Geographical Union (IGU).
  • 林蒔慧, 2008.05, '索布語的語言規劃工作-一個即將被遺忘的西斯拉夫語, ' 第一屆斯拉夫語言文學文化國際學術研討會, 台北,政治大學.
  • 林蒔慧, 2008.05, 'Description of Sakizaya., ' the 15th Annual Stabilizing Indigenous Language Symposium (SILS15): Language Is Life: Strategies for Language Revitalization., Northern Arizona University.
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin, 2008.04, 'Sakizaya or Amis?: A hidden ethnic group in Taiwan., ' 5th Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS5), European Association of Taiwan Studies at SOAS, Chiang Ching-Kuo International Sinological Cente.
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin;Tsung-Yi Chao, 2008.03, 'Language and culture: Place naming derived from animal names in Taiwan indigenous languages., ' 2nd Conference on Cultural and Social Anthropology of East Asia: Animal Myths and Mythical Animals, Palacky University.
  • 林蒔慧, 2007.11, 'Language Identity and Spatial Reconstruction in Taiwan: The case study in Hualien., ' First Conference of Czech-Slovak Sinological Studies, Chiang Ching-Kuo International Sinological Centre in Praha.
  • 林蒔慧, 2006.12, '論台灣原住民社群的語言認同-以花蓮縣壽豐鄉為例, ' 第五屆中國社會語言學國際學術研討會, 北京,北京大學.
  • 林蒔慧, 2006.12, '全球化下的歐洲語言與文化政策:捷克共和國, ' 全球化下的歐洲語言與文化政策:台灣的觀點, 台北,政治大學外語學院歐洲文化研究中心.
  • 林蒔慧, 2005.04, '捷克境內德語社群的語言使用情況, ' 族群與社會國際研討會, 東華大學族群關係與文化研究所.
  • 林蒔慧, 2004.10, '文本中的時間指稱──以達悟語中的ya為例(Time Index in Text), ' 文本的世界:敘事如何形成歷史國際研討會文本的世界研討會, 台灣敘事學會.
  • 林蒔慧, 2004, '加拿大原住民教育概況, ' 瞭解當代加拿大研討會, 台灣國際研究學會.
  • 林蒔慧, 2003.10, '言語體裁問題, ' 文本分析研讀會-以巴赫金為中心, 國科會人文學研究中心.
  • 林蒔慧, 2000.08, 'Discourse Model in Taiwanese, Mandarin and Czech., ' LP2000 – Linguistic and Phonetic Conference, Ohio State University and Charles Univ. in Prague, Prague.
  • 林蒔慧, 2000, 'Discourse Markers in Chinese and Czech., ' EHESS.
  • 林蒔慧, 1999, 'Gender Difference in Chinese and Czech., ' EHESS.
  • 林蒔慧*;呂齊弘;湯欣潔;夏沛倫;陳宥汝(譯), 2025.02, '捷克當代小說選:外在所缺乏的,內在尋覓不著(Výboru současné české prózy „Co chybí venku, nenajdete uvnitř“), ' Kulturalis Ltd.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2023.02, 'Pragmatické užití instrumentálu v češtině: z hlediska L2 pedagogiky (Pragmatic Use of Czech Instrumentals: From the Perspective of L2 Pedagogy), ' Royal Orchid International.(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧 Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2022.08, '《我的第一堂捷語課》(Můj první kurz češtiny), ' 瑞蘭國際.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*;呂齊弘;夏沛倫;陳宥汝(譯), 2021.12, '《花束集》(Kytice), ' Mi:Lu Publishing.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2021.03, 'Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition - Chinese learners of Czech, ' Bookman Books.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧(譯)*, 2017.04, '《剪掉辮子的女人》(Postřižiny), ' 大塊文化出版社.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2007.12, '《捷克語初級入門教材》(Elementary Czech), ' 政治大學北區大學外語中心.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧(譯)*, 2003, '《六封布拉格地鐵的情書》(Román pro ženy), ' 大塊文化出版社.(*為通訊作者)
  • Kawai Chui*;Hsiang-Lin Yeh;Melissa Shih-Hui Lin, 2023.10, 'The information packaging of the Do-constructions in Chinese, Russian, and Czech, ' Proceedings of the 36th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 36), De La Salle University, pp.35-44.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2022.02, '〈中東歐文化:捷克篇I-捷克語言、文學與文資〉, ' 《前進中東歐:轉型與發展》, 松慧文化, pp.285-308.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*;Ondrej Geppert, 2020.09, 'Česká studia na NCCU (Czech studies at NCCU), ' ČCJ na dálném východě (Czech Studies in Far-eastern Asia), Charles University, pp.58-67.(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • Karel Šebesta*;Milan Hrdlička;Huan-huan Chen;Melissa Shih-hui Lin, 2020.09, 'Aktuální výzvy pro didaktiku češtiny jako cizího jazyka z hlediska její dynamiky (Current challenges for the didactics of Czech as a foreign language in terms of its dynamics), ' ČCJ na dálném východě (Czech Studies in Far-eastern Asia), Charles University, pp.13-19.(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2018.12, 'Spatial prepositions of Chinese and Czech – a SLA study of Chinese learners learning Czech, ' Slavica Formosana II, National Chengchi University, pp.323-335.(*為通訊作者)
  • 葉相林*;林蒔慧, 2017.07, '〈中文母語者習得俄語與捷克語移動動詞之比較研究〉 (Mandarin speakers learning motion verbs in Russian and Czech), ' 《從語言國情學、社會文化學和語言學層面看外語和外國文學的研究與教學》第二期, 淡江大學, pp.225-233.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2017.01, '〈捷克文學篇〉(Introduction to Czech literature), ' 《前進捷克》(Forwarding to Czech), 松慧文化, pp.191-212.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2016.12, '論中文的「有」與捷克文的mít (A discussion on you in Chinese and mít in Czech), ' 《台灣斯拉夫學刊 I》(Slavica Formosana I), 政治大學, pp.221-234.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2016.03, 'Linguistic choices for the identity of ‘China’ in the discourse of Czech Sinologists, ' Post-Communist Sinology in Transformation: Views from the Czech Republic, Mongolia, Poland, and Russia, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp.27-40.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2012.01, 'A sketch introduction of Sakizaya, ' Issues of Language Endangerment, 知識產權出版社, pp.21-32.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 林蒔慧*;趙聰義, 2010.02, 'Lovectví a pojmenování míst v bununštině (Hunters and the place naming in Bunun), ' Zvířecí Mýty a Mýtická Zvířata (Animal myths and mythical animals), Nakladatelství Academia, pp.127-137.(捷克語(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧, 2007.03, '〈全球化下的歐洲語言與文化政策:捷克共和國〉(The Czech language policy in the process of globalization), ' 《全球化下的歐洲語言與文化政策:台灣的觀點》(Globalization witnessed in European languages and cultures: Taiwan perspectives), 政治大學外語學院歐洲文化研究中心, pp.129-156.
  • 林蒔慧*, 2006.03, '〈捷克境內德語社群的語言使用情況〉, ' 《族群與社會》, 吳天泰, pp.441-457.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2004.12, '〈加拿大原住民語言教育概況〉, ' 《當代加拿大民主政治》, 施正鋒, pp.191-210.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2001.08, 'Discourse-oriented Lang in Taiwanese and its counterparts in Mandarin and Czech., ' Proceedings of LP’2000, FF Charles University, pp.463-476.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2025.02, '捷克當代小說選:外在所缺乏的,內在尋覓不著, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2024.10, '導讀:《城堡》。從禁忌的名字到捷克經驗的象徵:卡夫卡與捷克, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2023.04, '書評:歐洲的無國家族群與區域語言:同化和復振 — 56個案研究, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2023.03, 'Remembering Professor Bohumil Palek (1936-2022), '.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiang-Lin Yeh*;Melissa Shih-hui Lin*, 2021.08, 'NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages - LCSL (, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林蒔慧*, 2018.02, '導讀:《好兵帥克》。從哈謝克的文學生涯一窺捷克民族精神與大戰的虛無, '.(*為通訊作者)
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